The Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e.V. (UFOP), THE interest group for domestic rapeseed and protein crop cultivation, is once again focussing its stand presentation at the DLG Field Days 2024 on the goal of the 10+10 strategy:
By 2030, the proportion of arable land under rapeseed and legumes should each reach 10% of the German arable land - this corresponds to approx. 1.2 million ha each.

In more and more regions, field beans, grain peas, sweet lupins and soya beans are gaining in importance - not least driven by the increasing demand for vegetable protein in human nutrition. UFOP is therefore pleased to be able to offer you the opportunity to talk to experts from LeguNet and the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Lupine e.V. (GFL) as co-exhibitors at stand VC21.

Both rapeseed and grain legumes score highly in arable farming with their excellent preceding crop value. Protein crops for food also offer increasingly interesting value-added options against the backdrop of the emergence of processing capacities of other major players on the market. UFOP will continue to work intensively in the future to develop and expand sales for domestic cultivation.

UFOP invites you to visit stand VC21 to find out more about rapeseed, sunflowers and grain legumes and to discuss the 10+10 strategy with UFOP experts.
The LeguNet experts will also be offering daily guided tours of the extensive variety demo of field beans, grain peas, sweet lupins and soya beans.
Also visit our specialist programme with exciting presentations and discussions on the marketing of grain legumes in and from Germany, rapeseed in climate change and the rapeseed flea problem in cultivation!